There are 15 AHSNs spread across England, each working across a distinct geography serving a different population in each region. The AHSN Network acts as the collective voice for the 15 networks, overseeing and coordinating the collective national work of the 15 AHSNs.

Job vacancies within each regional AHSN are advertised on the career pages of their websites, which we have linked to below.

Vacancies for roles within the national AHSN Network can be found below.

AHSN Network vacancies

We sometimes advertise roles for the national AHSN Network in our central coordination office, which supports the 15 regional AHSNs. Due to the way our organisation is structured, roles within the national network team are hosted by a regional AHSN, sitting within our ‘virtual central coordinating office’, which offers opportunities for remote-based working.

Vacancies within the national AHSN Network central coordinating office

There are currently no vacancies within the AHSN Network central coordinating office team.

Follow the AHSN Network on Twitter and LinkedIn to keep up to date with our latest vacancies.